These are the pillars that our small business stands upon. We allow these pillars to guide our decisions company-wide, as well as guide us in our day-to-day actions with our community members. Join us in embodying the Bohemian lifestyle.
We empower all races, genders, ethnicities, ages, shapes & sizes to be embodied, active and inspired. We inspire our community to live healthily and practice healthy body image and moderate exercise habits. We speak about food with love for its ability to nourish mind, body and soul. We use positive, inclusive, and uplifting language.
We are passionate about showing up authentically to the members of our community. We embrace who we are with humility and curiosity. We express ourselves through music, movement, storytelling, and genuine appreciation for our community and their experiences. We treat everyone that walks through our doors as a guest in our home—with genuine kindness and hospitality.
We are a lively bunch and we embody our skin. We enjoy movement, mobility, and exploring body awareness. We are inspired by grace, stamina, and endurance. We are powerful and challenging when needed, we are soft and compassionate when necessary.
We engage with our community. We use names, observe alignment, offer instructional cues, and provide hands-on assists. We motivate, encourage, and inspire while providing individualized attention.
Music is our self-expression. It is our unspoken way of connecting with our community. We seek new artists, explore different genres, and craft playlists that we love and want to hear.
We are lifelong learners who contribute to a culture of support and feedback. We are humble and constantly seek improvement. We see other’s authentic selves and offer feedback that can enhance who they truly are as teachers and leaders.
We speak positively about other teachers, studios and communities. We recognize the fitness community as a whole and support the career path of part-time and full-time instructors. We lead from a place of appreciation and gratitude, and focus on the positive.
We take our profession as an instructor seriously. We value our craft by upholding high standards and use discretion between authenticity and professionalism. We intentionally sequence our classes to be unique, dynamic, and of the highest quality.